Winter Tutorials Have Started!
Hear what people are saying (15 testimonials)
The Study Buddy, "J," started providing online lessons in 2012. The goal of the lessons is to put every student on track to get into a good
college and become a world class professional. The lessons are offered by both Skype and pre-recorded videos. These online lessons are a replica of live, in-person lessons that Study Buddy J used to offer from 1990 to 2012.
The Study Buddy J is a Harvard/Stanford alum (Harvard BS, Stanford MS & PhD) who started formal tutoring at Stanford University 34 years ago. In the School of Engineering's tutorial assistant training program, he was trained in what is still considered a revolutionary teaching method developed at Stanford. Study Buddy J also taught at Stanford's Center for Teaching & Learning. Since then, he has moved on to create the next generation teaching method for students beyond the Stanford campus and below the college level. The new teaching method is centered about empirically-derived research results that explain why students fail high school math. This teaching method is aligned with the Common Core Standards, because its structure is derived from Study Buddy J's background in science and engineering.
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